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This guide focuses on a global introduction to World War II Online and its fundamental game play. It will not provide any instructions on how to use your weapon, nor how to setup battle tactics.
Planet Games Free
From here, a new player can learn what they need to know in order to load into the game, spawn with a weapon or vehicle, and help to fight for their side within just a few minutes of joining the game. The Quick Start Guide is designed to give just the basics of WWII Online so that a new player can hop in as soon as possible. New players should continue reading through the Wiki in order to attain more knowledge about WWII Online so that they can become competitive advisories within the game world.
Note: Although there is a Quick Start Guide, it is still highly recommended to follow the in game Tutorials...
Player Made Guides are created by the very players that play WWII Online everyday. The guides can range from where to place a satchle on an enemy tank to how to properly level bomb an enemy factory using a medium bomber. If you've made a guide that you'd like to share with the community, just contact one of the Wiki editors and they will get it added to the Wiki for everyone to see and use.
This section of the Wiki allows for information to be found pertaining to vehicles and weapons.Topics range from a specific vehicle or weapon specifications to how they are best utilized one the battlefield. Players are able to scroll through and learn details for each unit within the game. With this added knowlege, the players are able to learn more WWII history and help their in game skills.
The WWII Online Wikipedia witholds a plethra of information about the game play, the community, and everything you need to know when it comes to WWII Online. By using the navigation pane or the search (on the left), players are able to lookup and find information that they are requiring knowledge for. Players can learn anything from indepth tip and techniques for combat to specific vehicle specifications.
The WWII Online Wiki is also maintained by the community, meaning that if there is outdated or missing information that pertains to your experiences, you can help to keep that information current!
Readmes are the changelogs of WWII Online. They catalog each release that comes out for the game and lets the community know what has changed in the specific release. The Wiki allows players to look back at previous releases and see what aspects to the game changed and when.
WWII Online, like any military, uses a lot of acronyms and they can be confusing or just plain hard to learn. This is where the Wiki comes in, players can utilize the Wiki to search for terms that they either don't know or are confused by. This information helps players to learn the lingo of WWII Online.
The Wiki Changelog allows players to keep tabs on what and when information on the Wiki has changed. This keeps the player base in tune with recent or upcoming changes and allows for transparency between the development team and the players.
Player Specific
Planet Game Cam
- Current Campaign
- Achievements
- Missions
- Vehicles
- Career
In-game stats are an important part of the game and its community. While in-game players are able to see their 'Killer' after their mission has finished, they can also see how many kills of each type they got but they are unable to see who they killed. That is where the CSR web service comes in.
After visiting the CSR page for the first time, the player inputs their Gamename and then their stats show up for all of their previous campaigns (Career) and the current campaign. From there, players can then view the different options within the CSR web service.
- Community Achievements
- Top Player Lists
- Squad Stats
- Campaign
- Sides
- Pan & Zoom (click & hold move right/left/up/down, zoom in/out using the mouse wheel or the +/- buttons)
- View Town Ownership (Layer)
- View Brigade (BDE) Locations (Layer)
- View 1 Hour Deathmaps (Layer)
- View 24 Hour Deathmaps (Layer)
- Hover Over a Town's Name to See a Larger Size
- Click on an Attack Objective (AO) in the AO List to Pan & Zoom In on it
- Click on a Town in the Town Ownership List to Pan & Zoom In on it
- Click a Town to Show the Current Status of its Depots
- Click on a Brigade Flag to Show all Brigades in that Town
- Click a DeathSquare to Show how Many Kills have Happened there in the Past x Hours
- View Previous Times with the Timeline
- Use Cookies in Order to Remember Your Map Settings (Pan/Zoom/Window Placement)
- Use the Town Search to Zoom & Pan In on it
- View Research and Developement (RDP) Info
- View RDP Graphs
- Save Individual RDP Graphs as Images
- View Weather Status
- Supply Lines
- Brigade Movement Info
WWII Online Game Monitor is a third party external game monitoring utility for the MMO World War II Online. It provides access to a wide range of information about the game in a friendly and easy to navigate format. It is designed for those that want to check out what’s been happening without having to start the game up or those that want to keep an eye on things while at work away from the action. It’s also useful for commanding officers that need to know what’s going on around them or anyone that needs that extra edge in battlefield intelligence while playing online.
WWII Online uses 'Discord' as its primary out of game voice communication tool and as overall announcement/chat/help area.
When joining the Discord you will be invited to choose between the Allied community or the Axis community, which will grant you access to their respective private channels. Attention: Changing your mind will require administration support!
We still plan to have integrated voice communications, but we always planned on keeping something flexible for players to rally with outside of the game. If you have any issue or request regarding our Discord servers, please submit a support ticket.
Please be aware, using discord to spy the other side is a Terms Of Service violation.
- Server Status
- Unit Lists
- Town Lists
- Vehicle Information
- Factory Stats
WWII Online's WireTap service exposes dynamic battleground data from our Virtual Battlefield in a manner suitable by players wanting to integrate live game data into their own websites and tools.
Resources are provided encapsulated as either javascript, xml, json or all three. This provides support for both AJAX (the XML encapsulation) and more standard scripting.
- Webmaps
- Weather Tracking
- Statistics Tracking
- High Command Tracking
- Tier Progression Tracking